Frequently Asked Questions

12 MyOPD PC Version Release 5.8.1 - 23-Apr-2019
Last Updated 3 years ago

Release Date: 23 April 2019

  • MyOPD Laser (Scanner feature): To use this feature, update the MyOPD Desktop Companion app on your mobile.
    • To setup MyOPD Laser to connect MyOPD Desktop Companion Mobile App to PC, follow the steps at link:
    • You can use MyOPD Desktop Companion Mobile App as a document scanner and upload the X-Ray or other photos to the patient's visit. The uploaded photos will be saved in a special directory on your PC. You can attach them to patient's visit by clicking the mobile icon under Documents section. Once attached, the document will be safely saved to attachment folder and deleted from this special folder.
    • MyOPD Laser will automatically download PDFs, Images, Spreadsheets of patients in the MyOPD Desktop Companion Mobile App, against each patient. To view them in app, open the patient details on app and tap the attachment icon at the top right.
  • Image Printing on Rx: Some Doctors asked us to include an attach X-Ray or a Image taken from Surgery to be a part of the Rx, for future reference. MyOPD now allows you to include one such image on the Rx. You can choose which image to print using from the Documents section.
  • Observations changed to Clinical Findings: Observations field will now be shown as Clinical Findings, in UI as well as while printing.
  • Hide misspelled Chief Complaints, Clinical Findings, Advice and Diagnosis: Like misspelled medicines, there was a requirement to hide the wrongly spelled Complaints, Findings, Advice and Diagnosis so that they do not show up in the search. To hide them, click "Quick Add" for Complaints, Findings or Advice. Then select "Hide in Suggestions" option. For Diagnosis, you will find this option under Custom Diagnosis under Quick Add.
  • Investigation Printing after Rx: Investigation is now printed after Rx as recommended by many Doctors.
  • Improved Medical Certificate: Medical certificate, the one that we give from Past Visits, is largely improved with multiple other options.
  • Detailed Report of Patient Visits: The TamilNadu Government requires monthly data submission in a particular format. Our Advanced/Search report with "Visit/References" option was close to it. It is modified to include the other recommendation required by TamilNadu.
  • Reception Based Access via Tablet: This improvement is for the Reception version. However, clients using Doctor only version can also think about the reception version now as operating the Reception version from Reception end can now be done via a Android Tablet. You don't need a complete PC to use the Reception version. Interested Doctors wanting to use the Reception version using Android Tablet can reply back to this email and we will guide you on this one.
  • Reminder SMS for Patients in Queue for Reception Version (IMPORTANT):
    • With Reception version, Reception staff can add patients in a Queue of waiting patients to see the Doctor.
    • You can now configure MyOPD to send automatic SMS reminders to patients in Queue when the patient ahead of them is treated. This allows the patients to come back to clinic after a while in case they have called the clinic and setup an appointment.
    • To configure this setting go to: Settings -> Application Settings -> Next in Queue Reminder (Set this to a number after which the SMS will go to the patient). Let's say, you have 5 patients in Queue and this number is set to 3. After the 1st patient in the Queue is "Sent in" by reception staff, the 4th Patient will receive SMS on the mobile. This way, the 4th patient can come back to clinic and wait for his number.
    • Please note, for this feature to work:
      • You need to have a continuous internet connection
      • Reception staff need to click on "Send In"
      • You should have sufficient SMS credits in your account for the message to be delivered to the patient. Your regular SMS credits will be used for this task.
  • Bug Fixes: Bugs related to general working of the software are fixed.

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